First meet-up event of Belarus Azure User Group

On July, 22 2015 we've held the first meet-up event of Belarus Azure User Group where we shared experience building solution on Microsoft Azure, using various services and migrating existing solutions to the cloud. It was a special event for me because I was on stage speaking this time. »

Setting up Azure CDN for your site

Microsoft Azure provides a modern CDN service that will help boost performance of your web applications. The service acts as a globally distributed pass-through cache and you can choose the backing service it will use to fetch original files from. »

Bring your own DI container to ASP.NET 5 - Unity

Now that we understand some basics of how dependency injection is handled by ASP.NET 5 we are ready to start rolling out our integration components for our container of choice. The process may not that straightforward at times and different containers have their quirks. I believe things will improve when new bits actually go GA and it's likely that containers »