Generating clients for your APIs with AutoRest

When building Web APIs it's often required to provide client adapters between various programming stacks and raw HTTP REST APIs. These 'clients' can be built manually but it's often a rather tedious task and it adds to your development efforts as you need to keep the clients in sync with... »

Application request routing in Azure Web Apps

Azure Web Apps by default enable so-called sticky sessions when subsequent requests that are made within an established session get processed by the same instance of an app that served the very first request of the session. Web Apps rely on the IIS extension called Application Request Routing... »

Presenting Application Insights at Belarus Azure Day 2015

On December, 13 2015 we’ve held a whole day live event dedicated to all things Azure. 8 speakers from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia presented on a wide array of topics from working efficiently with Azure storage and Service Bus to trendy container and microservices technologies to usage analytics... »

Implementing Service Bus SAS keys rotation

Shared Access Signature (SAS) authentication provides a simple and flexible option to authenticate requests to Service Bus. You can define access rules on the entire namespace as well as individual entities such as queues, relays, topics and Event Hubs. While this is also possible with ACS... »

Azure Web Apps Continuous Deployment

Azure Web Apps provide a continuous deployment feature that allows you to quickly set up a continuous build and deployment process from your code repository. It implements a pull model when your repository is cloned to your web app, changes are pulled and the application is built when... »