When error messages are misleading

I’ve been playing with SharePoint Foundation 2010 and decided to test the API by writing a simple console application that would manipulate different SP objects. Although I have a decent ASP.NET experience I am a newbie to SharePoint so I got puzzled right away when I wanted to open a connection to my SP site: »

When a first chance exception of type 'XXX' occurred you really have a bug

So you see this message about a first chance exception in your debugger’s output window, your brows rise, you glance through the code back and forth and can’t see a thing. What’s more, your application runs just fine and the exception doesn’t manifest itself in any way rather than this annoying debugging output. You shrug and… Stop! You got a »

Best way to get DPI value in WPF

WPF is a great presentation platform that requires far less journeys to Win API compared to Windows Forms. Still, there are cases when native calls will do the job better, cleaner and (perhaps) faster. From the top of my head, how would you explicitly place a window on the screen? Yes, there are <code>Top</code> and <code>Left</code> properties in the <code>Window</code> »

on WPF

PVP: on the way to WPF

PVP is a Windows Forms slim video and DVD player that provides a reasonable feature set for most people to play video content on their computers. It supports a skinnable user interface and relies on custom controls that draw predefined bitmaps for certain states and respond to user interactions similar to standard Windows controls. Yes, no scalable vector graphics or »

Single instance of a WPF app – part 4 (WindowsFormsApplicationBase)

In my intoductory post I mentioned another way to implement a single instance WPF application by making use of <code>Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase</code> class. This scenario is also covered in the great book on WPF by Matthew MacDonald and I thought my story wouldn&#x2019;t be complete without looking at this option. »

on WPF

Single instance of a WPF app – part 3 (WCF)

Last time I blogged about a way to implement a single instance feature using WM_COPYDATA Win32 mechanism. It involves a bit of PInvoke but still works perfectly well with WPF. This implementation dates back to .NET 1.1 and to be more precise &#x2013; the old Win32 days as it was inspired by Joseph M. Newcomer&apos;s article. »

on WPF

Single instance of a WPF app – part 2 (WM_COPYDATA)

When I started on the Power Video Player in 2003 I knew that a single instance for the video player application was a must. PVP was a C++ MFC-based prototype at that time and I was reading about corresponding and close technologies on CodeProject, CodeGuru and where not. I hit upon an article written by Joseph M. Newcomer and really »

on WPF